Oxford Mail Article

ARTIST Patrick Cannon used his childhood in Milton, near Didcot, as a source of inspiration for his paintings. This oil painting, A Forest Opening, portrays Milton Manor’s woods and was on show at Oxford Art Fair at The Fishes pub, North Hinksey, at the weekend. Mr Cannon, 40, who sold three paintings for £220, £300 and £450, said: “We used to visit what I used to call the secret forest in Milton, which actually was just a thin strip of woods on the boundary of Milton Manor. “It seemed a lot larger when I was little, and it used to seem so much bigger. This is a child’s perspective.” He said: “The Oxfordshire countryside is beautiful and I want to bring out the vibrancy of it in my work.”

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By Patrick Cannon

Patrick Cannon is an artist and designer living and working in London. He has held several exhibitions and currently has art displayed across the UK and abroad.

March 15, 2016 9:25 pm

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